In the Red League for advanced snowboarders, we playfully improve our skills and always learn something new. Cool tricks as well as safe and dynamic riding on the slopes and in the snow park are on the programme. The Red League is where the snowboarding fun really starts!

Red Prince / Princess

Bolgen: Mon to Fri
Times: 10am-4pm

Course content

  • little freestyle encyclopedia
  • turning bending and extending the legs
  • Powerslide
  • Ollie/N`Ollie on the slopes
  • 180° on the slopes

Red King / Queen

Bolgen: Mon to Fri
Times: 10am-4pm

Course content

  • information on nature, forest and landscape
  • carved turns
  • slide on the slopes
  • Ollie/N`Ollie 180° on the slopes
  • Basic Air

Red Star

Bolgen: Mon to Fri
Times: 10am-4pm

Course content

  • boarding in ungroomed terrain
  • Frontside Noseturn
  • Backside Boardslide over a box
  • Straight Air

Snowboard full days

Days Price
single days 90.00 CHF {snowboard-full-day/?q=1}
5 days 370.00 CHF {snowboard-full-day/?q=5}

Packages (Snowboard lesson & ski pass)

For 5 consecutive lesson days you may purchase the lessons and ski pass package from us.

Packages5 Days
Package snowboard children 472.00 CHF
Package snowboard teens 563.00 CHF
Package snowboard adults 655.00 CHF
  • Course takes place from 4 participants. Courses with less than 4 people will be reduced in time, merged with other courses or cancelled.
  • Ski pass not included in the course fee. Please purchase the ski pass before course start.
  • Equipment not included in the rate. Please rent your equipment at the Sports Shop in due time before the course starts.
  • Reservation by 5 pm on the previous day desirable.
  • Cancellations can be made against a handling fee of CHF 40.00 until 48h before the course starts at the latest. Later cancellations (from 48h before the start of the course) will be charged at 100%.
  • Children eat in a summit restaurant together every day. Please give your child about CHF 25.00 per day in cash for the lunch.

  • great final event on Friday